Modern vehicles have many advanced features to help you understand your braking system and give you a smooth braking experience.
The service brake system is one of these advanced features, which indicates a problem with the braking system.
It is possible for the service brake system warning light to illuminate for many different reasons.
The first step is diagnosing the vehicle to determine which part is faulty.
The faulty part must be repaired or replaced once it has been found.
In this article, I have discussed the possible causes and solutions to fix the service brake system.
You may also be interested to read the following articles:
- Why does the brake light come on
- How much does it cost to fix a brake line
- How to disable abs light on Silverado
What Does It Mean When It Says Service Brake System?
The dashboard will illuminate the service brake system light whenever there is a problem with the braking system or brake sensor.
With these features, the driver will be able to understand that the braking system is malfunctioning.
As a result, the driver can avoid accidents by stopping the vehicle.
If you see a red or orange service brake light on your dashboard, inspect, diagnose and solve the problem.
You should only drive the vehicle for a short time before fixing the problem.
How to Fix Service Brake System [05 Methods]
You can fix the warning light by replacing the brake pressure sensor, troubleshooting the error code, replacing the brake booster, filling the low brake fluid, and reprogramming the warning light.
You can easily fix the service brake system warning light once you identify which of these issues is causing it.
01. Check the Trouble Code and Solve the Problem
Check the trouble code when the dashboard flashes the service brake system light.
Identify the code and problem with an OBD-ll scanner.
Resolving the problem will eliminate the service brake warning light.
Alternatively, you can take the vehicle to a mechanic, who uses an advanced scanner to diagnose and troubleshoot the problem.
02. Replace the Faulty Brake Pressure Sensor
If the brake pressure sensor is faulty, it causes the service brake system light to illuminate.
You need to replace the faulty brake pressure sensor to fix the service brake system.
The brake pressure sensor is usually located at the side of the master cylinder, but in some vehicles, the sensor is located at the ABS unit.
You can easily replace it if you have a little experience with braking system parts.
Otherwise, you can hire a mechanic to do the job for you.
Replacing a faulty brake pressure sensor will cost you around $220.
03. Fix the Faulty Brake Booster
The brake booster is a vehicle component that multiplies the force applied by the driver to the brake pedal.
A faulty brake booster can also cause the service brake system warning light to illuminate.
Replacing the faulty brake booster will remove the brake system warning light from your dashboard.
The cost of replacing the brake booster is approximately $100 to $450; if you hire a mechanic, the cost may increase to approximately $250 to $850.
04. Fill the Brake Fluid at the Appropriate Level
Insufficient brake fluid level is a common cause of the service brake system warning light on your vehicle.
The ECU triggers the service brake system light when the brake fluid level is low or dirty and causes the service brake system warning light.
In one to two minutes, you can check the brake fluid level.
Replace dirty brake fluid or fill the cylinder with premium brake fluid if the level is low.
Changing the brake fluid every 30,000 miles or after 02 years is recommended.
Follow the recommendations to avoid unexpected problems.
05. Reprogramme the Warning Light
There are times when programming malfunctions cause the service brake system warning light to come on.
In this case, there are no problems with the brake system, but your vehicle’s dashboard illuminates the service brake system warning light.
Reprogramming or resetting the warning light will solve the issue.
The video below will help you troubleshoot your service brake system:
How to Turn Off Service Brake System Light?
It is mostly due to 05 reasons that the service brake system light appears on the dashboard.
In order to detect and identify the actual cause of this light appearing, you need to first diagnose and figure out what is causing it to come on.
As soon as you have identified the problem, you can apply the process mentioned in this article to remove the service brake system light.
How to Reset Service Brake System Light?
Here are 04 steps on how to reset the service brake light:
- Find the negative and positive cables of your vehicle battery
- Remove the negative cable from the battery
- Make sure there is no electricity left inside the vehicle by pushing the brake pedal
- Wait for 05 minutes and reconnect the cable.
Most of the time, the process will work to reset the service brake system light.
Can You Drive with Service Brake?
Yes, but driving with a service brake on your vehicle is unsafe.
When the light comes on, your brakes won’t work correctly, and you may fall into a minor or major accident if you continue driving.
In order to be safe, you should fix the problem before driving.
What does service antilock brake system mean?
The service anti-lock brake system or ABS means you can’t “lock” up your brakes or apply so much pressure to them that the axle or wheels stop turning.
A malfunction with the ABS module, broken wheel speed sensor, or low fluid reservoir level causes the service antilock brake system.
What should you do if the brake system warning light comes on?
Once the brake system warning light appears on your dashboard, you should stop the vehicle safely and call a towing company.
They will tow your vehicle to a service center for repair.
You shouldn’t ignore the warning light and take the necessary steps after the warning light appears.
Why does my truck keep saying service brake system?
Typically, it indicates a problem with the brakes or related components.
Numerous reasons can cause the service brake system to malfunction, such as low brake fluid, wrong brake pads or faulty sensors, etc.
Final Thoughts
When the service brake system light appears on your vehicle’s dashboard, take it seriously.
You can consult a professional mechanic for a proper diagnosis.
Repairing a service brake system costs about $200 to $900, so get it done before it gets worse.